In order to stand out in the present era of digital transformation, brands are finding it extremely important to keep their logo designs up-to-date. Most products have succeeded by grabbing more eyeballs and creating an ever-lasting impression with their...
When it comes to logos, less is more. This might be counter-intuitive for someone who wants to get an effective logo designed for his brand, but not for the conscious designer. Logo makers know that designs that look “busy”...
A logo is a company’s spokesperson in a graphic format. Your brand logo will “speak” to your target audience before any of your representatives do, even before the call center support or the receptionist gets to greet them. It...
Do you need to change your logo? Have you thought about the colors that you are using for your design? Are they getting you the results you want? If not, there are some things you should consider about the...
In this age of digital revolution, we often come across various pieces of advice and opinions. Well, though sometimes they come from good people we know, not every time the advice they give is correct. And when it comes...
Amongst the most difficult challenges that every creative person face is to stay updated in the ever changing design industry, which designs for everyone – from startups, to celebrities to MNCs. It is important to be aware of all...
If you are a business owner and you have decided to hire an in-house graphics design team, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, hiring an in-house designer is a decision that you...
When developing your logo for your business, it’s a good idea to keep up with what the experts are doing. Logo design is a unique art that goes back to the elements of graphic design and development. It is...
As an online brand or business, you are going to want to rank at the top of Google should someone be searching for your name. This shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish, especially if you have a brand name...
The use of color in marketing is very important as colors always have a profound impact upon the minds of the audiences. That said, marketers should choose it very carefully. The behaviorism of color, when it is related to...
John Dewey, a great American Philosopher said, “We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.” Perhaps, you too think so. In this era of electronic marketing, we have to learn from our mistakes every time we...
There is no denying about the fact that social media websites have made an immense headway into the entire digital marketing business. We can hardly deny the contribution that the social networking sites make in congregating a vast number...
E-mail is a valuable tool for your personal branding strategy, but finding appropriate subscribers add to your list is difficult. Below are the 3 different types of activities which you can use so that you will be able...
“My cell phone is my best friend. It’s my lifeline to the outside world.” Carrie Underwood’s words couldn’t have reflected the sentiments of the mobile using population any better. This is that one gadget that has ensured that people...
Garnering appreciable visitor traffic is perhaps the very first step that the website of a company aims for. This is quite obvious as without an appreciable number of visitors, you cannot really hope for a good customer base and...
If your social media marketing efforts have proven less than fruitful, do not be disheartened. Try the following steps and see if it helps: • Understand the significance of Metrics It’s not always a pleasant experience to...
Having a well-ranked website is imperative to an entrepreneur. If you want success as an entrepreneur it is important to have a professional website. The best websites are created when all the components that go in the designing...
The color of a website is perhaps the very first aspect that people notice. As such color plays an important role in creating an impression on the minds of those visiting a website. Research has proven that it...
Sales- the ultimate goal of marketing. Selling the products and services of the company has and will always remain the most coveted objective of marketing. And with digital marketing taking over the helm of the marketing arena, it is...
Writing blogs is a way to express yourself, but doing so should not be a mundane process, but rather, an exciting one. Today people are making their livelihood by writing blogs. We should make our habit of writing...