If you are a business owner wanting to focus on your branding and improving your logo, congratulations! Focusing on your logo is one of the first steps that is needed to promote your brand. But what types of products...
The irony in Shakespeare’s statement rings true, even in our century. “What’s in a name?” Shakespeare, himself, knew there was much in a name. As a matter of fact, the entire play, “Romeo and Juliet” is based on this...
When developing your logo for your business, it’s a good idea to keep up with what the experts are doing. Logo design is a unique art that goes back to the elements of graphic design and development. It is...
Your business card says a lot about you. It tells people what you value as a business, which services or products you think are the most valuable, and gives your all-important contact information. Business cards are like a miniature...
Do you have a great logo for your business? If so, great! If not, you may want to consider sprucing up your logo to reflect your brand in a better light. We can provide this service to you, and...
Business owners must keep up with a lot of different things. From payroll to software to recruiting tools and other areas, it’s hard to keep up with some of it. One area that brands cannot afford to forget is...
Brochures are one of those traditional ways of advertising that still work in our current times. That’s because advertisers and small businesses have realized that they can advertise their online sites and blogs on traditional print ads. You can...
What’s in a name? Your brand is captured best in your logo. It is one of the first things people see when they are introduced to your brand. They see it every time they encounter your products, services, or...
Branding is about how you present yourself on a variety of platforms, locations, and forms. From your brand name and website to your brand packaging and emails, your brand should permeate everything you do. It shouldn’t be an overt...
Everything you create that advertises your business should reflect the inner workings of your company. From online digital advertising to traditional print, your branding is one of the essential keys to your success as a business owner. When it...
When working on your logo, it’s good to know what other brands have done to propel their logo forward and get it noticed. Some logos are distinct in how they have succeeded. McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and Apple, for example, are...
When considering a new logo for your business, there are a lot of things to remember. You should focus on the overall design of your logo to make sure it accurately reflects your brand and your company. You should...
Your logo is important to your business. It symbolizes your brand and your company’s ideals and is often the first thing you see when searching for a company’s website online. For this reason, it is critical that you create...
Logo designs are one of the best ways to message the success of a business or brand. Some of the most successful brands in the world today don’t even have a name attached to their logo, yet everyone knows...
Social media is one of the most effective methods of branding and advertising in the world today. Through the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ anyone can instantly send out a social update and find that it could quickly...
Remember back when publishing content on the internet was unchallenging? Those days are long gone… it’s no longer just about coming up with something to write about and posting it to your site. Now it’s all about the pre-planning...
While the identity of your brand or business might be seen through your logo and products, ranking at the top of the search results is also of the utmost importance. All brands and businesses are now relying on the...
Amazon is the most popular and successful e-commerce site on the internet. With billions of dollars in transactions passing through the site daily, it’s a tremendous opportunity for anyone who has a physical product to sell. While most people...
When considering what you want to include in your logo and the budget it’s a great idea to look at successful logo designs already out there. You may also find it interesting to take a look at some of...
Starting a blog is easy. Coming up with creative and useful ideas for your blog content on a daily basis is not. What most bloggers and site owners fail to realize, is that there are over a billion active...